So citizens of Pennsylvania are going to the polls today in the next of what has been a very very long line of primaries. The talking-heads are saying that Clinton needs to win big and is going to win big. Anything short of strong double-digit win over Obama and you may as well say she has lost. I have been trying to think why this is true - why is 51% of the vote not good enough for Clinton? Well, the answer seems to be that Clinton has made this a question of electability in November. If Clinton can't win big in the state that she grew up in and has campaigned so extensively in, there's not much to be said for her chances in November against McCain.
The thing that I hate about this particular primary is just how negative Clinton has become over the past few weeks and especially over the past few days. She is the one playing dirty, not Obama. Thing is: I completely understand why Clinton is doing this. To use a Rocky Balboa comparison (something she is doing herself a lot recently) she is on the ropes; all bloodied from taking a beating in most of the previous primaries; and this is her last round. In her own words, she is 'In it, to Win it'. This all makes for the worst kind of opponent for Obama - the opponent that is willing to stoop as low as possible. Obama is trying to show that he has the right judgement to lead; that he will bring change in politics; and that he will help Americans fulfil their hopes and dreams. He is not prepared to get his hands dirty for one reason and one reason only. Its not because he does not have the guts (he does); its because he would feel bad doing it - its not the way he conducts his politics and that is the way millions of Americans want it to be.
Clinton has been pounding Obama recently following his comments about small-town America that apparently deeply offended citizens of Pennsylvania in particular. What a coincidence. He made the comments in California and half-way across the country Clinton is using them as fodder for the news channels by manipulating them to serve her Pennsylvania campaign. Typical. Clinton called Obama an 'elitist' which most would take as a criticism or a bad thing, but I don't. Obama is a smart person with good judgement and after eight years of a President with the exact opposite of these traits, its time for change, don't you think?
There is no doubt that Clinton has been successful in attacking Obama personally. But she has done it by making wrongful accusations. It does not matter if they are subsequently corrected or clarified by her because people just understand the story as it is when it first comes out - they don't tend to follow it in the news and see what Obama's defence is.
For me though, Obama comes out of all this as being the more inspirational character. I have found the following YouTube video very motivating and I think its really good in incorporating what Obama stands for: change, hope and the fulfillment of dreams for everybody.
1 month ago
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